Starting in 2014 the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has changed the way that non-eligible dividends are taxed. This change will effectively increase the tax rate for non-eligible dividends. This will cause business owners to re-evaluate the way in which they draw income from their business (dividends vs. Salary). Let’s look ...
Read MoreFar too often I have had new clients come to me after having done their own taxes, making a mistake, and getting penalized by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). The CRA have the ability levy significant penalties if tax returns are not done correctly, usually when income is under reported. If ...
Read MoreOne of the biggest considerations for small businesses is whether to incorporate or to operate as a proprietorship. What’s the difference? The main difference between corporations and proprietorships is that corporations become their own legal entity while proprietorships are operated under the name of the proprietor. From a tax perspective a corporation ...
Read MoreStarting a new business can be an overwhelming process; there are so many considerations which makes it easy to overlook something. Not only is it important to not overlook anything, it is important to do things in the correct order. In my time assisting clients go through this process I ...
Read MoreFor those of you who did not manage to file your personal tax return on time, you may be wondering what the consequences are for failing to file the return as well as failing to pay the balance owing on the return. The consequences come in the form of Interest ...
Read MoreThe Lifetime Capital Gains Exemption is one of the biggest tax breaks or incentives offered by the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA), most people are not aware of it and it is seldom used. This tax break offers Canadians an exemption to paying tax on capital gains of up to$750,000 (was ...
Read MoreThere are a few instances where you are able to deduct expenses against employment income. The content of this blog will just cover the most common expenses of standard employment arrangements. There are specialized rules for commission employees and other unique circumstances as well as more specialized expenses that will ...
Read MoreMost people aren’t aware of one of the harshest penalties that the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) gives out. This penalty doesn’t necessarily relate to fraud or tax evasion, but can occur if someone is simply forgetful or unorganized. Over the last couple of years the CRA has started charging a 20% ...
Read MoreBelow is a checklist that I have put together to help my clients organize and compile the information needed to complete their personal tax return. Slips All information Slips (T4, T3, T5, T4E, T4A, T4AP, T4RSP, T4RIF, T5013) Old Age Security and CPP benefits Other Pensions and Annuities Employment insurance benefits Social assistance payments Workers compensation Benefits RRSP ...
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